Tuesday, April 24, 2012

boutiques magnifiques

Bonjour again lovlies!!<3 How was your weekend? Mine has been extraordinaire! On Friday night Angelise, a dear friend of mine, came over for a visit (and of course..a sleepover)! Marcelle (my sis), Angelise, and I had a spectacular time together, snacking on all sorts of terrific tarts, partying, talking, and lottttssss of laughing!! And of course I didn't get much sleep. =P The bad part: I had to wake up at 5:00 to get ready for work on Saturday morning. The good part: I woke to the fragrance of fresh baked croissants coming right out of the oven! So, without any doubt, I stuffed my mouth full of the hot pastries while heading out the door. :) Finally...after I had finished work for the day, Marcelle and Angelise met me at the bakery (where I worked). I changed into a colorful and chic leopard print shirt and some jeans (along with adding some  fresh makeup).<3 ;) Then our night out began! We all had a bedazzling time touring all the hottest boutiques. When we finally arrived back at our cozy house, it was already 10:00! We were exhausted. We all dropped down on our sleeping backs with bags of clothing and accessories!! In less than 10 minutes we were all asleep. Sunday was amazing as well. We woke up at around 5:30 to get ready for church (that's about 30 more minutes of sleep than what I got the night before). ;) For breakfast, we all enjoyed our Sunday favorite, blueberry crepes! It was delish!<33 After an inspiring church service, Angelise went home and Marcelle and I spent our afternoon modeling in the new fashions we got the night before. <3 So, as you can see, I had quite a bizarre weekend! But I would never trade it for anything. (: Here are the pictures from Saturday night! Enjoy darlings!

isn't this gorgeous?! definitely my favorite purchase of the night! =)

SOOO glamorous!

This is just a small portion of the entire WALL of sunglasses!!

these are on my wishlist!

chaussures (or shoes)<3

floral shoes are so chic!

the diamond necklaces and rings in this store were breath-taking!

these last 2 eclairs go to Marcelle and Angelise.(:

super délicieux cakes!!! want a slice? ;)


  1. The clothes look fabulous!!!!
    I need to come to France and go stopping with you! :)

    P.S. I like your blog design! DON'T CHANGE IT! :)
    P.S. 2 I voted no. :) :) :)

    1. Thanks so much, my love!!!!<3 It would be so delightful to go shopping with you! and haha I'm so glad you like my blog design! =D I haven't decided if I'll change it yet...I'll have to wait and see the outcome of the poll (;

      je t'aime,
      Julianna Danielle

  2. Makes me want to go shopping. I hate being stuck in an office. Have a good day!

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment! I hope you have a wonderful day as well.<3 follow me darling?

      Julianna Danielle =)

  3. Hey Julianna! Thanks so much for following my blog! I am now your newest follower as well:) Great post!


    1. Bonjour gorgeous!!! I DO love your blog! And mind trying to follow me again? I was looking for your name in my list of followers...and i could not locate it. =/ Chat ya later!

      Je t'aime,
      Julianna Danille<3

  4. Hello,

    Je suis Rose. J'adore votre blog! (That's about all the French I learned in my intro class last semester, so I do beg pardon if that doesn't mean what I think it means! )I don't know you at all, but I saw you followed my blog and therefore thought I should check yours out. I must say I am very intrigued. What a life you must lead there! I shall enjoy reading more about it. Write on!

  5. Bonjour beautiful Rose!! Thanks so much for the sweet comment and for following...I adore your blog as well!<3 Hope to get to know you better!

    l'amour à tous les (love to all<3),
    Julianna Danielle =D

  6. Hey! I like your blog! Thanks for following mine! :)

    1. awwwh thanks hun!<3 You're blog is magnifique!! Mind following my blog? :) I absolutely love getting new followers and getting to meet each individual <3

      Julianna Danille

  7. my weekend was amazing! my (now) fiance proposed :)
    you have a lovely blog!

    andrea brionne @thedailyeverythings.blogspot.com

  8. Bonjour gorgeous! I'm so heureux (glad) to hear that!! What lovely moments in life!<3 Hope to get to know you better. Mind following my blog? ;)

    Love to all,
    Julianna Danielle

  9. how long are you guys still in NC!??!
